Community Outreach Committee Charter


Purpose of the committee:

The purpose of the NSHE Outreach Committee is to facilitate more engagement within our hospital members' communities and support hospital staff involved in facilities, engineering, and/or maintenance. The committee will achieve this through coordinating philanthropic activities within these communities and by providing financial assistance to students and employees for educational and professional development opportunities. 

Scope and Key Objectives:

  • Create NSHE Annual Scholarship program
  • Host one fundraiser
  • Coordinate one in-person volunteer activity

Organization and Governance:

Meeting Schedule: The Community Outreach Committee will conduct the business of the committee through an ongoing schedule of monthly conference calls and/or electronic communications, or otherwise as scheduled by the chair.

Committee Representation:

  • Consists of members who are active members of NSHE
  • Will have at least one representative from a hospital, if possible
  • Committee leadership will consist of a chair and vice-chair
  • There will not be more than one committee member from a single organization

Chair Responsibilities:

The Community Outreach Committee Chair is responsible for leadership and facilitating the work of the committee, including, but not limited to, developing, executing, and maintaining the scholarship program, organizing a fundraiser, and coordinating a volunteer activity (or activities in several areas of Nebraska on the same day). 

Term: 1 year. The Chair will have the option to maintain for one additional year. After term, the chair will stay on the committee as an ex-chair for another year.

Vice Chair Responsibilities:

In the absence of the chair, Vice Chair is responsible for leadership and facilitating the committee's work. Vice Chair will ascend to Chair at the completion of the current chair’s term.

Member Responsibilities:

Committee Members are expected to devote sufficient time to participate in and contribute to the committee activities. Committee members are required to adhere to the committee charter and assume and complete assignments when designated. Committee members who miss two consecutive meetings without notification and approval from the chair can be dismissed from the membership committee.

Term: 1 year. Members will have the option to maintain the position for one additional year. Previous members may return to serve the committee, per the needs of the committee, after a one-year break in service.


  • An annual report will be submitted to NSHE board
  • Committee’s work will be aligned with the overall goals of NSHE



Annual Goals:

  • Create, Advertise, Award, and Distribute Annual NSHE Scholarship(s)
  • Determine Fundraiser platform, fiduciary goals, and overall objectives
  • Coordinate a philanthropic activity for the organization – one event or multiple related events in different cities? 
  • Work with Communications and Membership Committees to advertise and encourage member participation
  • Track and document what works and what doesn’t and adjust for next year.
  • Recruit a Co-Chair for each effort – Scholarship, Fundraiser and Philanthropy. 


Charter Changes and Renewal:

 Requested amendments to this charter require a majority vote of the committee present at a regularly scheduled meeting and are subject to approval from the NSHE board.