Sustainability Committee Charter


Purpose of the committee:

The purpose of the sustainability committee is to provide chapter members with resources and education about sustainability and carbon neutrality. The committee will additionally support the board with guidance and support for ASHE requirements with specific awards associated with sustainability.

Scope and Key Objectives:

  • Create and distribute to all NSHE members a sustainability survey to determine member engagement and member needs assessment.

  • Create a Sustainability page on the NSHE website to house and promote ASHE/NSHE initiatives and resources associated with sustainability.
  • Develop a process for conducting energy "treasure hunts" at member facilities. As part of this, a process would need to be developed so members could be added easily in the future while having standard areas that can be surveyed for savings opportunities.

Organization and Governance:

Meeting Schedule: The Sustainability Committee will conduct business of the committee through an ongoing schedule of monthly conference calls and/or electronic communications, or otherwise as scheduled by the chair.
Committee Representation:
• Consists of members who are active members of NSHE or subject matter experts in sustainability who support NSHE member hospitals.
• Will have at least one representative from a Hospital, if possible.
• Committee leadership will consist of a chair and vice-chair.
• There will not be more than one committee member from a single organization.

Chair Responsibilities:

The Sustainability Committee Chair is responsible for leadership and facilitating the work of the committee including, but not limited to, calling meetings of the committee, setting agendas, directing activities and assignments as needed and overseeing the communication with committee members and the NSHE Board.

Term: 1 year. The Chair will have the option to maintain for one additional year. After term, the chair will stay on the committee as an ex-chair for one additional year.

Vice Chair Responsibilities:

In the absence of the chair, Vice Chair is responsible for leadership and facilitating the work of the committee. Vice Chair will ascend to Chair at the completion of the current chair’s term.

Member Responsibilities:

Committee Members will devote sufficient time to participate in, and contribute to, the committee activities. Committee members will adhere to the committee charter and assume and complete assignments when designated. Committee members who miss two consecutive meetings without notification and approval from the chair can be dismissed from the sustainability committee.

Term: 1 year. Members will have the option to maintain the position for one additional year. Previous members may return to serve the committee, per the needs of the committee, after a one-year break in service.


  • An annual report will be submitted to NSHE board
  • The committee’s work will be aligned with the overall goals of NSHE

Annual Goals:

  • Provide the chapter board with information and support to apply for ASHE awards associated with sustainability.

  • Draft, distribute, and analyze a member engagement and member needs assessment annually.
  • Provide sustainability updates at NSHE educational offerings.
  • When requested by the Education Committee, provide education guidance or recommendations for speakers for sustainability and de-carbonization topics.


Charter Changes and Renewal:

Requested amendments to this charter require a majority vote of the committee present at a regularly scheduled meeting and are subject to approval from the NSHE board.



Dylan Cardiff
Director of Facilities Management, Commonspirit Health
Membership Committee Chair

Jerrod Bley
Sustainability Manager, UNMC 


Eric Granzow, PE, LEEF AP, HFDP, CEM
Technical Lead Mechanical/Electrical, Olsson


George Tsatsos
Air Filtration Specialist, Raimair Inc.


Kevin Hoffart
Business Development Manager, McCarthy Building Co.


Daniel Taylor
Owner, AMI Environmental