Membership Committee Charter
Purpose of the committee:
The membership committee is responsible for providing guidance for membership development in NSHE – defining the values and benefits of membership. This committee will work to increase and maintain NSHE membership.
Scope and Key Objectives:
Advise NSHE Board on current membership policies and oversee programs for recruitment and retention for members. • Examine reasons NSHE attracts and maintains members to assure NSHE remains responsive to those issues. • Continually add value to NSHE membership by identifying, implementing, and marketing the exchange of new ideas, networking and communication among members. • Partnering with NSHE Secretary and Education Committee, ensure members and non-members are aware of the resources, service and membership benefits of NSHE. • Provide oversight to assure relevant access to networking vehicles available to members such as the online Community. • Evaluate and revise the membership categories/criteria and the dues structure, as necessary. • Provide guidance on development of surveys and other research instruments that will help to evaluate members needs, interests, and opinions.
Organization and Governance:
Meeting Schedule: The Membership Committee will conduct business of the committee through an ongoing schedule of monthly conference calls and/or electronic communications, or otherwise as scheduled by the chair. Committee Representation: • Consists of members who are active members of NSHE. • Will have at least one representative from a Hospital, if possible. • Committee leadership will consist of a chair and vice-chair. • There will not be more than one committee member from a single organization.
Chair Responsibilities:
The Membership Committee Chair is responsible for leadership and facilitating the work of the committee including, but not limited to, calling meetings of committee, setting agendas, directing activities and assignments as needed and overseeing the communication with committee members and the NSHE Board. Term: 1 year. The Chair will have the option to maintain for one additional year. After term, the chair will stay on the committee as an ex-chair for one additional year.
Vice Chair Responsibilities:
In the absence of the chair, Vice Chair is responsible for leadership and facilitating the work of the committee. Vice Chair will ascend to Chair at completion of current chair’s term.
Member Responsibilities:
Committee Members will devote sufficient time to participate in, and contribute to, the committee activities. Committee members will adhere to committee charter and assume and complete assignments when designated. Committee members who miss two consecutive meetings without notification and approval from the chair can be dismissed from the membership committee. Term: 1 year. Members will have option to maintain position for one additional year. Previous members may return to serve the committee, per needs of committee, after a one-year break in service.
- An annual report will be submitted to NSHE board
- Committee’s work will be aligned with the overall goals of NSHE
Annual Goals:
Charter Changes and Renewal:
Requested amendments to this charter require a majority vote of the committee present at a regularly scheduled meeting and are subject to approval from the NSHE board.
Angie Ullman
Director of Business Development, McCarthy Building Companies
Membership Committee Chair
Catherine Bosley
Business Development, Leo A Daly
Rebecca Kleine
Business Development, Latitude Signage